Pauline Books and Media


In Season and Out: Homilies for Year A
Category: Books > Liturgy > Homiletics
Author/Artist: WILLIAM J GRIMM
ISBN / ID: 9781925371192
Publisher: ATF Press
Price: AU$24.95
Description: The Catholic Church lives on two lungs - Word and Sacrament. They reach their clearest expression and celebration for the Church's life in the Eucharist - the "source and summit of the Church's life" as Vatican II puts it.
Father William J Grimm is a Maryknoll Missioner of 40 years' experience in Asia - mostly Japan, but Hong Kong and Cambodia as well. In that time he has come to deepen his understanding of the distinctiveness of the message and person of Jesus Christ even in circumstances and among people that Jesus could never have known or imagined.

It is not enough to understand what the readings mean as those who composed them intended us to grasp. The critical thing is to find what that meaning might be in the context of our times and contexts. Speaking the Word in our time and for our places is the challenge of preaching and it is to that challenge that Fr Grimm devotes his learning, experience and imagination.
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