Pauline Books and Media


Catholics: The Church and its People in Britain and Ireland from the Reformation to the Present Day
Category: Books > Church > Church History
ISBN / ID: 9780099587545
Publisher: Vintage
Price: AU$24.99
Description: The Act of Supremacy of 1534, by making Henry VIII head of the Church of England, confirmed in law the break with Rome. This was an epochal moment in the history of Christianity. In the centuries that followed, English Catholics were persecuted and penalised for the public expression of their faith.

This volume, now published in paperback, focuses on the lives, and sometimes deaths, of individual Catholics, martyrs and apostates, priests and laymen and converts. It tells the story of the men and women who faced the dangers and difficulties of being what their enemies still call ‘Papists’. It describes the laws which circumscribed their lives, the political tensions which influenced their position within an essentially Anglican nation and the changes in dogma and liturgy by which Rome increasingly alienated their Protestant neighbours, and sometimes even tested the loyalty of faithful Catholics. The survival of Catholicism in Britain is the triumph of more than simple faith. It is the victory of moral and spiritual unbending certainty.
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