Pauline Books and Media


The Encyclopedia of Christianity VOL 4
Category: Books > Reference > Reference Books
ISBN / ID: 9780802824165
Publisher: Wm Eerdmans
Price: AU$130.00
Description: Written by leading scholars from many countries and cultural backgrounds, the more than 1,700 articles in the complete “Encyclopedia of Christianity” (EC) depict Christianity in its global context. Separate articles for every continent and for over 170 countries examine both the history and the current situation of the Christian faith worldwide. The EC also portrays Christianity in its widest ecumenical context. In its portrayal of Christianity, the EC also takes into account the current sociocultural context, including other world religions, secular philosophies, cultural trends, and modern political and economic forces. It also presents Christianity in its rich historical context, starting with the biblical tradition and showing how the apostolic tradition developed and how the church has sought throughout history to keep faith with its traditions while engaging the world around it. This volume covers anything that starts with ‘P’ up to ‘Sh’.
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