Pauline Books and Media


Category: Books > Liturgy > Liturgy Books
ISBN / ID: 9780826468567
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Price: AU$69.99
Description: Keith Pecklers aims to give theologians, liturgists, priests, pastors and laity of all denominations a new sense of the theology of liturgy.Grounded in the theology of the Mystical Body of Christ, the author calls for full and active liturgical participation necessarily including social responsibility. At the heart of the liturgical movement is one fundamental principle- liturgy and social justice are inseparable. The author calls for a new liturgical movement and for the rediscovery of that inseparable relationship within the church.He begins by answering the question 'what is liturgy?' and he gives a brief history of the liturgy in the west. He argues that liturgy can be used as an instrument of social and moral transformation. For example, how do we show liturgical hospitality to those who are often made to feel like pariahs in our assemblies - the disabled, elderly, immigrants, divorcees and other minorities? And how does the Christian liturgy relate to our Jewish and Muslim neighbours?He also considers how the liturgy may be used to address problems within the churches, such as the break up of the stable parish community and the growing rift between conservatives and progressives who share membership in the same parish.
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