Pauline Books and Media


Mother Teresa's Secret Fire
Category: Books > Biographies > Lives of the Saints
ISBN / ID: 9781681920481
Publisher: OSV
Price: AU$34.95
Description: Until you know deep inside that Jesus thirsts for you, you can't begin to know who He Wants to be for you. Or who He wants you to be for Him. - Mother Teresa. The encounter that changed her life and how it can transform your own. This book offers penetrating, new insights into the depths of Mother Teresa's faith and witness. What was it in her that touched so many so deeply? How do we account for her universal impact-on Christians and non-Christians alike. How did she accomplish so much with no extraordinary talents or qualifications? This timely and captivating work by the co-founder of her priests' community fulfills his promise to reveal what Mother Teresa herself considered the heart of her message. Gain unprecedented insight into Mother Teresa's source of passion, spirit, and perseverance, and let her message put your love into into living action.
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