Pauline Books and Media


Beyond Dogmatism and Innocence: Hermeneutics Critique and Catholic Theology
Category: Books > Theology > Theology Books
ISBN / ID: 9780814684153
Publisher: Michael Glazier
Price: AU$69.95
Description: Behind every important development in Catholic doctrine and practice since the beginning of the modern period have been debates about the interpretation of Christianity's classic texts and traditions and their ideological and practical implications. Over the past century there have been breakthroughs in retrieving the origins of beliefs and practices, recovering the rich, myriad, and multifaceted literary forms, and recognizing the ways these venerable traditions have been received, applied, and negotiated in the lives of reading audiences with their contrasting worldviews.

The essays in this volume by leading figures in Catholic theology suggest what might be called a ‘third naivete’ that blends deeply contextual interpretations with a critical theological analysis of the roles of power and grace in church and society. The abilities and skills to grapple with basic issues in hermeneutics and critical theory remain necessary and fundamental for Catholic theology. At stake is nothing less than how the good news of God's salvation can be grasped and lived today. This volume provides a trustworthy map and compass for negotiating these debates and options.

Contributors include: Sandra M. Schneiders, Francis Schussler Fiorenza, Robert J. Schreiter, John E. Thiel, Dominic Doyle, Fernando F. Segovia, Andrew Prevot, Ormond Rush, Judith Gruber, Susan Abraham, Anthony J. Godzieba, and Bradford E. Hinze.
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