Pauline Books and Media


A Good Look at Evil
Category: Books > Theology > Moral Theology
ISBN / ID: 9781532616372
Publisher: Wipf & Stock
Price: AU$49.95
Description: We meet with evil in the ordinary course of experience, as we try to live our life stories. It’s not a myth. It’s a mysterious but quite real phenomenon. How can we recognise it? How can we learn to resist it?

Despite the claim of classical rationalists that evil is “ignorance,” evil-doers can be extremely intelligent, showing an understanding of ourselves that surpasses our own self-understanding. Meanwhile, contemporary philosophers portray good and evil as social constructs, which leaves us puzzled and powerless when we have to face the real thing. Thinkers like Hannah Arendt have construed evil as blind conformity to institutional roles but evil-doers have shown exceptional creativity in bending and reshaping institutions to conform to their will. A Good look at Evil maps the actual terrain—of lived ideas and situations—showing how to recognise evil for what it is: the perennial and present threat to a good life.
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