Pauline Books and Media
Books > Schools > Education Resources
total : 263 | total pages : 27 page : 1 2 3 4 5 6  ..  27 | next
21 Activities that Really Work Engaging Children in Their Faith
author/artist: MICHELLE LEPINE
publisher: Novalis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$39.95
25 Questions About Catholic Saints and Heroes
author/artist: LES MILLER
publisher: Novalis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$16.95
25 Questions about Catholic Social Teaching
author/artist: LES MILLER
publisher: Novalis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$16.95
25 Questions about the Bible
author/artist: LES MILLER
publisher: Novalis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$16.95
25 Questions about the Founders of the World's Religions
author/artist: LES MILLER
publisher: Novalis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$16.95
25 Questions about the Pope
author/artist: LES MILLER
publisher: Novalis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$16.95
25 Questions about Virtues and Vices
author/artist: LES MILLER
publisher: Novalis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$16.95
25 Questions about Vocations and Ministries
author/artist: LES MILLER
publisher: Novalis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$16.95
25 Questions about What We See in a Catholic Church
author/artist: LES MILLER
publisher: Novalis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$16.95
33 Mass Lessons and Activities for Children
author/artist: PATRICIA MATHSON
publisher: Twenty Third Pub
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$29.95
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