Pauline Books and Media
Books > Theology > Environmental Theology
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A Commentary on Laudato Si': Examining the Background, Contributions, Implementation, and Future of Pope Francis's Encyclical
author/artist: KEVIN W IRWIN
publisher: Paulist Press
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$65.95
A Creed for Today: Faith and Commitment for Our New Earth Awareness
author/artist: DONAL DORR
publisher: Orbis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$36.99
A Hunger for Wholeness: Soul Space and Transcendence
author/artist: ILIA DELIO
publisher: Paulist Press
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$29.95
A Moral Climate: The Ethics of Global Warming
author/artist: MICHAEL S NORTHCOTT
publisher: Darton Longman and Todd
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$39.95
A New Climate for Christology: Kenosis, Climate Change, and Befriending Nature
author/artist: SALLIE MCFAGUE
publisher: Fortress Press
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$39.95
A New Heaven, a New Earth: The Bible and Catholicity in an Evolving Universe
author/artist: DIANNE BERGANT OSA
publisher: Orbis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$55.95
An Ecological Theology of Liberation: Salvation and Political Ecology
author/artist: DANIEL P CASTILLO
publisher: Orbis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$79.95
Apocalyptic Ecology: The Book of Revelation, the Earth, and the Future
author/artist: MICAH D KIEL
publisher: Michael Glazier
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$49.95
Behold the Lilies: Jesus and the Contemplation of Nature
author/artist: H PAUL SANTMIRE
publisher: Wipf & Stock
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$25.95
Beyond the Pandemic: Spiritual and Ecological Challenges
author/artist: DIARMUID O'MURCHU
publisher: Orbis
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$41.95
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