Pauline Books and Media
Books > Faith Formation > R.C.I.A.
total : 31 | total pages : 4 page : 1 2 3 4 | next
A Vision for Conversion: Eight Steps to Radically Change Your RCIA Process
author/artist: LEISA ANSLINGER
publisher: Liturgical Press
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$33.95
An Introduction to the RCIA: The Vision of Christian Initiation
author/artist: RONALD LEWINSKI
publisher: Liturgy Training Publicat
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$22.95
At Home with God's People: Our Catholic Faith
author/artist: B O'SHEA, P GAGEN
publisher: CEO Brisbane Publications
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$29.95
Catechumen's Lectionary
author/artist: ROBERT HAMMA
publisher: Paulist Press
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$39.95
Children and Youth in the Catechumenate: Forming Young Disciples for Mission
author/artist: ANNE KOESTER
publisher: Liturgical Press
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$29.95
Come and See: Guidelines and Resources for the Precatechumenate
author/artist: ELIO CAPRA
publisher: Morning Star Publishing
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$26.95
Deepening Faith: Adult Faith Formation in the Parish
author/artist: JANET SCHAEFFLER OP
publisher: Liturgical Press
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$32.95
Divine Blessing: Liturgical Formation in the RCIA
author/artist: TIMOTHY P O'MALLEY
publisher: Liturgical Press
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$34.95
Encountering the Mystery of God: A Framework for Mystagogy from Easter to Pentecost
author/artist: PATRICK CRONIN
publisher: Morning Star Publishing
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$27.95
Enter the Rose Unfolding the Mysteries of Faith Resource Book for the Rcia
author/artist: MIRIAM MALONE
publisher: World Library Publ.
binding: PAPERBACK
price: AU$59.95
page : 1 2 3 4 | next
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