Pauline Books and Media


Haggai and Malachi
Category: Books > Scripture > Old Testament
ISBN / ID: 9780814681633
Publisher: Michael Glazier
Price: AU$99.95
Description: Reading Haggai and Malachi in conversation with feminist theory, rhetorical criticism, and masculinity studies reveals two communities in different degrees of crisis. The prophet Haggai successfully persuades a financially strapped people to rebuild the temple, but the speaker in Malachi faces sustained resistance to his arguments in favor of maintaining the priestly hierarchy. Both books describe conflicts among men based upon social class, and those who claim to speak for God find their claims and, with them, God's presumably unquestionable authority as the ultimate male contested.

Wisdom Commentary series offers the best of current feminist biblical scholarship available in an accessible format to ministers, preachers, teachers, scholars, and students. The aim is to aid all readers in their advancement toward God's vision of dignity, equality, and justice for all. Each volume incorporates diverse voices and differing interpretations from different parts of the world, showing the importance of social location in the process of interpretation and that there is no single definitive feminist interpretation of a text.
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